
I will not keeping the blog in a way I did it throughout the year 2011. Perhaps I will post some statistical/analytical stuff from time to time next year in a style I proposed in the last month. I have to admit the last twelve months on this blog gave me a lot of satisfaction. I wanted to underline historical connection between the current events and the past, sharing with you my tennis-knowledge I generated in the last twenty years, I hope the season ’11 is well prepared here, and might be an interesting material to research the info for tennis fans in the future (if the blog will not disappear suddenly) 🙂
My friend Face encouraged me last Autumn to create and keep this blog thus I would like to acknowledge him and people, who shared its knowledge here and were correcting my petty mistakes over the last twelve months: Ai, Albert, Archer16, bry17may, David, Ivan Muhov, J-D, Joca, juan cristobal guzman, statsman, St-Denis, Yves, V.H. et Wanaro Evernden. Thank you very much!
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9 Responses to Blog-acknowledgment

  1. Yves says:

    Wow thanks for your mentioning!

    Keep going with this blog, I still enjoy it very much!

  2. Wanaro Evernden says:

    Thank you for recognizing that you give me, despite my poor comments 🙂
    You make a lot of work and unique on the web, I hope you will continue to do so in this Olympic year 2012 !
    Wanaro Evernden, Paris XX, France.

  3. juan cristobal guzman says:

    Thanks Voo for your excelent work.Fantastic really.

  4. V.H. says:

    Thank you for your effort this year, and hope you continue with this!

  5. bry17may says:

    Voo, thank you for your great work, this blog is amazing, I love your stats and the commentaries about tennis.

    Congratulations for this.

  6. St-Denis says:

    Thanks Voo de Mar! 🙂

  7. Joca says:

    Thanks man, will continue to work with you 🙂

  8. Ai says:

    I deeply appreciate all your great work, not only here but also on MTF. The selfish side of me wishes you to keep it up though, it must be a time/energy consuming work even for a specialist like you. :p So thank you again. ^_^)=b
    Wish you a very happy new year and let’s hope we’re going to have an exciting season.

  9. Albert says:

    It’s an honour Voo….great hard work as always…I do know how hard it get…and I also know how much fun getting the facts bit by bit….

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